
Once to see and get a bit of obsession, which gives us to know and understand, this word, and we will deep and give bases of why is this word whatsoever the goodness of this topics that makes us reflecting in a good way of understand the topic, and this will be discussed ahead.

Just to make understand there different types of obsessions, at list obsession are an act of been I touch with someone in our view point, as we say the word obsession is related with many things and different, such as:
Obsession with:
¾    Friend
¾    Girlfriend or boyfriend
¾    Love
¾    Sport
¾    Read
¾    Walk
¾    Physicals exercises 
With examples of different authors and sites they used to say that, the state of being obsessed with someone or something.
An example of it is: "she cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession"
Definition of obsession
1.   A persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly :compelling motivation 
a.    An obsession with profits
b.    Has an obsession with gambling
2.   something that causes an obsession 
a.    Losing weight can be an obsession that results in the avoidance of certain foods.
With that we can also get from the word obsessions other that are following, like for example:

Another definition says that: A state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal
He was fascinated by the actress and tracking her every move had become an obsession.
She has an obsession about cleanliness.
The object of her obsession the thing that she is obsessed about]
The restaurant's menu is evidence of the chef's lifelong obsession with international cuisines. He chef's lifelong interest in international cuisines.
Non count
Her concern about cleanliness approaches the level of obsession.
He's concerned about money to the point of obsession. He is very/too concerned about money] 
¾    Someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently
§  Cleanliness is her obsession.   Cleanliness is an obsession with her.
§  Money has become an obsession for him.
¾    An activity that someone is very interested in or spends a lot of time doing
§  Stamp collecting has become an obsession with/for me. I have become obsessed with collecting stamps.

The other opinions of obsession are

An obsession is a recurring thought related to the idea that something terrible may happen, either to oneself or those around one.
Examples include:
Maybe I didn’t lock the door properly and someone is going to rob me. 
Maybe I hit someone on the road without noticing it and I’m going to be put in jail. 
I wonder if I didn’t inadvertently say something at work today that might have upset or hurt people. 
That door handle I touched might be dirty—it could contaminate me and everyone around me. 
Against their will, obsession leads affected individuals to imagine a series of ominous consequences that they wish to avoid at any cost. Usually, obsession is accompanied by an urgent desire to take action. Indeed, just imagining that their thoughts could become reality forces affected individuals to take action to prevent the danger. The
action thus taken is called a compulsion.

The Most Common Areas of Obsession

¾    Violence, horror
¾    Sexuality
¾    Religion, superstition
¾    Moral dilemmas, existential questions
¾    Mistakes, accidents
¾    Contamination 
¾    Disasters
¾    Illness

Three Important Points about Obsession

Obsession always includes an element of doubt. One imagines a possibility; the thought takes the form of “this might happen. The doubt is not based on any real information. Instead, it is caused by the thought that danger is possible despite the evidence of one’s senses. The thought is sometimes horrifying and concerns a danger or misfortune that could possibly take place.
The thought that a dangerous situation may occur is what causes the anxiety. If affected individuals were sure that this situation would not happen at the moment of imagining it, they would not be so obsessed.


Then we conclude that the obsession is a recurring thought related to the idea that something terrible may happen, either to oneself or those around one. And then just say that the assignment was difficult for us as we know about it, there different types it was bit difficult, and I agreed that we did our best in order to succeed the aim information which gives a full meaning of what we got to do in our task, and then we agreed that we did a lot of getting enough and we hope to be well organized as lecturer want to be, and however there can be found mistake, errors and also misunderstanding words. I give all glad for god that gave us the opportunity of writing the assignment with health and say thank you lecturer, give all congratulation and a proud in selecting a task topic for us.



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