
Pinto, V.S. (2024). The importance of using visual aids in class to teach English language vocabulary. Universidade Licungo. Faculty of Education - (FE). Quelimane, Mozambique.

The objective of the research is to know the use of visual aids in classes. Though, the definition of (Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad, & Iqbal, 2015), visual aids are tools that help to make an issue or lesson clearer or easier to understand and know (pictures, models, charts, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.). The visual aids are very important in classes because it helps to teach new vocabulary in classes of English language. Therefore, visual aids help the pupils to retain the information easily. Is important to know that the Visual aids is an approach used in classes. This essay develops the aspect of using visual aids in classes taking into account the different ways that the visual aids is used, the benefits of visual aids, reasons for incorporating visual aids into ELT materials, the portance of use visuals aids in classes to teach English language vocabulary. Those, aspects were developed by using articles and journals and other materials, which deals with the topic in case.  The main authors in this essay are: (Lehmanann, 2019); (Baser, 2013); (Dolati & Richards); (Novawan, 2020); (Patesan, Balagiu, & Alibec, 2018); (Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad & Iqbal, 2015); (Konomi); (Fahed, 2018); (Sharafovna & Islomovna); (Tabacaru & Bucuroiu, 2021); and (Wazeem & Kareema, 2017). Those were the experts that in the discusses that the paper focused on from their logical contribution. However, the essay illustrate accuracy of the importance of using visual aids in classes approach, therefore, some teachers tend to be carelessness and do not use the approach.

Keyword: Visual aids. Approach. Material. English language.



1.    Introduction

The visual aids in language teaching is a key element and prompt the learner and gives the meaning of the objects in discussion for grammatically acquisition and according to (Novawan, 2020), visual aids […] possibly clarify concepts or “decorate” the materials so that they look physically attractive and, (Fahed, 2018), says that Visual aids require the capacity to stimulate  learner's attention, facilitate learning-teaching process , moreover, the support  of using  visual aids in the classroom stresses the role of two issues to learning:

a-Motivation:: a learner of language is motivated while he / she has a strong need to learn , he/she create an energy to acquire new language with further efficiency;

b- Participation: this factor denotes to learning by performance not to be silent. Learning can be promoted by stimulating recognition and production levels moreover, expands memory processes  (ibid ).

According to (Konomi), the importance of vocabulary by saying, "If language structure makes up the skeleton of the language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh." Harmer further states that an ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used.

The use of visual aids in classes helps learners understand particular concepts or words, also the visual aids can help learners out visualize the concepts, which are hard to understand in mind.  As well as the (Fahed, 2018), when presented " the typical classroom " is always not a very suitable environment  to acquire  language , for this reason instructors  seek for different aids and motivations to increase this situation . Pictures   are the best and preferable  of these aids. They refer to " images of reality into the unnatural world of the language classroom". Vocabulary can be learned easily by motivating students and drawing their attention while using pictures .

 (Sharafovna & Islomovna), to fully understand visual learning and teaching, we need to discuss visual literacy, visual language, and visual communication. Then, Visual language is a form of communication that is not aural, written, or gestural. By excluding the spoken word and signed words, visual language relies on marks, forms, design, colour, and shapes to convey messages. Pictograms, hieroglyphs, and ideograms are simple forms of visual language; although, (Baser, 2013) says that “the models as maps, pictures, formula are physical replicas of real objects. They are helpful and provide more chance of learning in the class. In addition, they are replicas for systems, which can help more during teaching and learning”.




2.     The importance of using visual aids in class to teach English language vocabulary

2.1.       Definition

Visual aids in ELT materials can be defined as instructional aids that display information visually for the purposes of English teaching or class use. Visual aids can be a mediating tool for language learners of all ages in making sense of the target language English. (Novawan, 2020)

(Baser, 2013) teaching with visual aids or observational learning via model takes place when observer or learner displays new patterns of behaviour that, without model reflection the learning probability was less even if there was more motivation and encouragement to the learner. Alternatively, the model can facilitate the possibility of learning easily and immediately. Model provides information and cause quick learning of the new concepts or objects to the learners. Here the model is something visual, which can directly contribute to the learning of students and make it easy.

Teaching language is not easy when someone is face to face first time studying a language and our students face out problems to learn a language and when the visual aids is used correctly can perform the competence of the pupil and call up the interest to learn the English language.

Supporting the idea (Baser, 2013), in order to solve the misunderstand what is presented as theory the visual aids presents it as real object which helps the student to aware effortlessly; for example, if the teacher want to teach the classroom material, he can bring the pictures of material/images of it, as the image bellow.

Figure 1 Classroom Materials     Font:

            However, (Lehmann, 2019) a competence may involve different capacities of the individual such as perceptual, productive, cognitive and social capacities […] involve both perception and production. Perception involves the senses, and further differentiation may then be based on the senses.  Forwarding, (Wazeem & Kareema, 2017), using multimedia audio-visual aids stimulates thinking and improves learning environment in a classroom.

Accordingly to (Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad, & Iqbal, 2015), tells that learning is a complex process. It can be defined as a change in disposition; a relatively permanent change in behaviour over time and this is brought about partly by knowledge.

(Patesan, Balagiu & Alibec, 2018) Using multimedia audio-visual aids in the English classroom has become necessary if we want to increase the students’ interest, knowledge and proficiency in the English language.

Figure 2: Gearbox and its constituents               Font:

When (Patesan, Balagiu & Alibec, 2018), was arguing roughly of multimedia is an method very important when the teacher deals with precise matter so that can help the student achieve; for example, I course of mechanic or civil building, definitely in course of mechanic to understand how a car gearbox works, first of all the trainer he must know how the multimedia simulator programs works so he can show the trainees how the gearbox works, when the car is in movement.

Figure 3 Gear Box       Font:

Figure 4: Gearbox

However,  Pinto, V.S. (2024), explains that the simulator program the student will learn the different flopping of the car gearbox, in circumstance of forgetting filling the oil, then, the learner will understand why is important to control the oil in order to avoid overcomes. As a mechanic, he must know deeply about the area and after the simulation, the trainer can now take the learners to learn in direct object, parting from what the students learned before.

As above, we have an example of particle usage of visual aids, this call attention that the visual aids are used in different areas of studies, this makes the studied object interested to the learner, however, in the sequences of visual aids, there also “audios”, which helps the students and teachers too, to teach the spell of words in English language, then the learner can get the way of spell of a native speaker (Pinto, V.S, 2024).


Therefore, (Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad, & Iqbal, 2015), visual aids are tools that help to make an issue or lesson clearer or easier to understand and know (pictures, models, charts, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.). There are many visual aids available these days. We may classify these aids as follows; visual aids are which use sense of vision are called Visual aids. For example : models, actual objects, charts, pictures, maps, flannel board, flash cards, bulletin board, chalkboard, slides, overhead projector etc. Out of these black board and chalk are the commonest ones. The challenges of classroom instruction increases when prescribed a course to the class while course books (textbooks) are constituted with too many interactive expertise activities. Most significantly, it has convert a common phenomenon to integrate textbooks with audio visual aids as additional or supplementary resource for classroom.

As well as, the use of visual aids can change the paradox that many teachers’ faces in their daily activities because using the aids fulfil the intended to reach the objectives. For instance, All the teaching methods used in class over the years starting with the direct approach, the audio-lingual method or the comprehension-based approach made use of visuals or tape recordings to  avoid the use of mother tongue in class. The Communicative Language Teaching stressed the need for real life objects or texts to give authenticity to the communicative situation as “Non-native speakers (both inside the classroom and outside the classroom) make use of the here and now objects in the immediate environments”

Going to the fundamental idea of learn and teach language, (Tabacaru & Bucuroiu, 2021) sustain that learning tools will adapt and evolve in accordance with the context where teaching and learning takes place and it is unavoidable to integrate audio-visual devices to teaching process. Whatever on, learning without context is meaningless. Visual aids like photos, pictures, or stick figures provide context or situation to bring the students to reality of learning and to reinforce the tasks and activities. For example, the picture of “a port” can help learners figure out the place and situation, and identify people, things and activities in such a situation. (Novawan, 2020).


2.2.       Types of visual aids

According to  (University of Delhi, 2023), there are a variety of different types of visual aids.

Ø  PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used for presentations because it's easy to create attractive and professional presentations and it's simple to modify and reorganise content compared to other visual aids.

Ø  Whiteboards

Whiteboards are great for providing further explanations, such as, showing the order of a process, creating diagrams or explaining complex words or phrases. They're often used to display headings and write down audience suggestions.

Ø  Handouts

Handouts are papers that contain key information from your presentation or they may provide further information.

Ø  Video clips

Using videos are a great wait to engage the audience and increase their interest. Use video to bring motion, images and audio into your presentation.

Ø  Flip chart

Flip charts offer a low cost and low tech solution to record and convey information as you speak. They're more beneficial for smaller audiences and they are favoured for brainstorming sessions as you can gather ideas easily.

Ø  Posters

 Poster boards can be created using a variety of visual devices, such as graphs and images.

A part from what the University of Delhi presented, Pinto.V.S (2024), increases the nature as the types of visual aids. The nature can help the teacher to facilitate the teaching of new vocabulary, for instance when we say cloud, rain, storm and etc, they are not object for example they are used when the lesson is about the weather, the plat can be used all the types to demonstrate to students and also physical object.


2.3.       The Benefits of Visual Learning and Teaching

(Tabacaru & Bucuroiu, 2021), Presented the benefits of visual aids then, visual component to the curriculum can:

·         Help students better engage with the materials;

·         Increase retention by 29-42%;

·         Develop higher-order thinking skills;

·         Hone fundamental abilities that enable students to see and conceptualize visuals clearly;    

·         Enhance tactile hand-eye-mind connections that improve the ability to recall facts and retain learning;

·         Serve the unique needs of learners who process information primarily through visuals, as well as increase learning for all students;

·         Provide new opportunities to some students with learning differences and challenge students who are gifted or twice exceptional;

·         Be an integral part of best-practice intervention methods with individuals on the autism spectrum.

Insisting the benefits of visual aids, (Patesan, Balagiu, & Alibec, 2018)  in developing skills like speaking or writing, students can use a wide range of forms such as: tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, photographs, you tube films to convey spoken or written messages. By oral presentations on given topics they enhance the speaking competence while the organization of ideas in a written form or making up dialogues for example, help them enhance writing. However, the language acquisition can be achieved by using meaningful visuals that are more helpful in the students’ memorization of new vocabulary or structures. As during observational learning attention is paid and it means that learners got it meaningfully. Students are very self-confident because they are sure and gained something with more accuracy and interest. In addition, feature or colour of the model is important for attracting attention, because if the model shape, size, type, colour or voice is unfamiliar the learner will pay more attention in such condition. (Baser, 2013)

(Baser, 2013) incorporated six stages of teaching visual aid, visual models and real object observation as follows,  these are represented bellow:

Stage 1: Oral descriptions of words

Stage 2: Descriptions of words as writing

Stage 3: Visuals or pictures, pictures of real-world resources and drawing

Stage 4: Models of real-world materials that look like artefacts, also included at this level are representations of verbs, adjectives, and some nouns by dramatic performance for example acting angry, pretending to cry, yelling, and laughing and so on.

Stage 5: Living and non-living materials that are true artefacts, but have been removed from their native location and brought to the classroom for teaching and learning.

Stage 6: Real-world materials, living and non-living materials in their native territory

 (Dolati & Richards) Provides an overview of samples of learning activities designed to both look at (a) the different kinds and uses of visual aids in language learning classrooms; and (b) kinds of learning design required effectively use visual aids for language learning. In other hand, they will try to recognize, know its function and place it in their mind directly.

Types of Visual aids


age of



Role of Teacher

Role of Students

Flash card

Double sided cards with picture and spelling


Building up new vocabularies

Organizing and providing the correct pronunciation

Recognizing the right words and pronunciation

Movies & Animation

Educational movies

9 -12

Developing speaking and listening skills

Persuading and triggering the discussion

Core participants in following the discussion

Authentic role plays




Introducing authentic situation

Simulating the conversation in different contexts

Communicating in different situations

Computer-based or multimedia interface

Educational sites


Surfing and getting info

Familiarize the students with useful websites

Exploring new information

 Retention is also the creation of observation or observation have direct effect on retention, when we save or keep something in the mind and possess it recall it mean it is possible to retrieve different visual aids for different aspects of learning.

 Although, the importance of visual aids to the teachers is also an important factor, which has affects during usage of visual aids. For instance, if a teacher do not think that pictures are important visual aids, then she/he may not use that more or with interest. (Baser, 2013)

2.4.       Reasons for incorporating visual aids into ELT materials

(Novawan, 2020), the use of visual aids in ELT materials is helpful in a way that students’ understanding of the teaching materials is significantly increased whenever proper visual aids are used. Moreover, the difference and uniqueness, of learners’ characteristics and styles of learning, the use of creative and various appropriate visual aids can bridge a gap between the expected ideal roles of visualization conception in teaching and the learners’ psychological condition in learning.

2.5.       The use of visuals in the foreign language acquisition

According to (Novawan, 2020), learning English involves two types of materials; that is, systemic and schematic components, although, systemic knowledge refers to the nature of English in terms of syntactic and semantic features of it. Furthermore, most people are visual learners, it is important to go beyond "spoken words" when educating students.

Sharafovna & Islomovna says that visual language is a form of communication that is not aural, written, or gestural. By excluding the spoken word and signed words, visual language relies on marks, forms, design, colour, and shapes to convey messages. Pictograms, hieroglyphs, and ideograms are simple forms of visual language. Signs and symbols for trains, planes, busses, restrooms, restaurants, and more are readily understood visual communications that do not rely on language to comprehend.



Figure 5 Symbol of attentions                                                                            




                                                                                                                 Figure 6. Signals of directions


Wazeem & Kareema (2017), contributed saying that the terms audio-visual aids is not new but their usage is sporadic in the university classrooms. Audio-visual aids are considered an effective tool especially for language learning. In addition, the use of these aids in third world countries […] is not very copious. Classrooms in the universities are equipped with new technological teaching aids for teaching-learning process in are sourceful and interesting way. A beginner at undergraduate level course in learning English language has to complete subjects related to speaking, listening, writing and reading successfully. Most of the activities related to speaking and listening need audio-visual aids to carry on the course.

            As foreign language, (Baser, 2013) there are numerous benefits of visual arts in education for young children, ranging from sensory exploration to the exercising of the imagination. However, visual arts are not granted the high value and serious consideration that they deserve in the school curricula and are not fully appreciated by the community. Although the educational importance of a mathematics, science, social studies, or literacy program for young children is rarely questioned, one can assume that teachers spend much of their time justifying the value of visual arts education in children’s lives.

2.6.       Disadvantage of use visual aids

According to (Aggarwal, 2017), these aids can be disadvantageous:

Ø  Firstly, having visual aids need a lot of presentation material and preparation for the same. This may be really time consuming and you may end up giving more time to this than to your speech.

Ø  Use of visual aids may also distract your audience from your speech as they pay more attention on the visual aids. Ultimately, the purpose of your speech may not be fulfilled.

Ø  Keep away from overly elaborated visual aids. The ability to see and understand the aid by the audience is more important than the way of delivery.

To sum up, we may say that an appropriate use of visual aids can give your presentation a really superior turn. On the other hand, if you pay more attention on the aids than on your speech, they may overshadow you in the eyes of the addressees and seize all the attention of the audience.



3.     Conclusion

This study took me to think deeply about the case of using visual aids in classes in context of Mozambican schools.  Nevertheless, I flew over my country situation in way of how to use and implement the visual aids. Yet, the teachers need to work harder in order to engage the paradigm of using the visual aids plus the vocabulary teaching to perform the pupils in process of language teaching.

Mozambique is a country in way of development, there are many Visual aids that can be applied in classes but it is not possible to implement because the economy is low in order to solve the problems of educations systems at the same time; keep internet systems, computer, charts, and others scholar equipment. In other hands, a skilled teacher can make difference in teaching processes when using visual aids flashcards, drawing, real materials, without spend budget; The application of visual aids needs resources for it. We can implement using local material as we are in area with diversity.

Visual aids are many, whereby, we can use each type of visual aids in different purpose of transmission of information. However, the visual aids helps the student, audience to understand the presentation. An example, the teacher can bring up the topic about human body, automatically he can use his own body, mannequin, representational picture, draw of human body or a slide. Although, the visual aids must be planned and analysed in terms of knowing when and where to use certain visual aids according to the contents planned. Planning is fundamental when a teacher want to attain result and, in order to have good feedback and no limitation of the teachers, the educator needs to find out adequate visual aids to teach. To end, technologies are the solutions of many problems of us in finding appropriate material when the schools offer the conditions of existence.




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Figure 7. Human Body Parts    Font:


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